
In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.
As we enter this holiday season we are often times busy with all of the "to do" of the season. Making sure all of the lists get marked off as done. Which often times results in us forgetting to slow down and enjoy the moment with our family and friends.

So on today make it a point to hug someone that you love and have immense gratitude and respect for. Call the person you have been putting off for whatever reason. Text that friend of yours that texted you sometime in the last week and you forgot to respond. Leave your cell phone in your bag / car and be present with those you love. Be grateful. Be Thankful. Be present.
The benefit of gratitude is that it cultivates a sense of openness, appreciation, and kindness. Clients will also choose to journal their thoughts of gratitude in the morning or at the end of a busy day. Others have used this practice in the midst of a very challenging moment as a means to ground them. I would encourage you to find the BEST time for you. What may work for your friend, may work differently for you. Examples of basic daily gratitude are:
Roof over your head
Running water
Food to eat
Light bulb
Your five senses
Bed to sleep in
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and Joyous Holiday Season!

If I can help you develop additional strategies to cope and slow down during this holiday season please reach out for support at 281.940.5820 or